Buildings and Grounds - The University of Notre Dame Archives
58 galleries
Historic images from the University of Notre Dame Archives
Aerial Views - The University of...
Alumni Hall - The University of Notre...
Andre House - The University of Notre...
Badin Hall - The University of Notre...
Basilica of the Sacred Heart - The...
Bond Hall - The University of Notre...
Breen-Phillips Hall - The University...
Campus Maps - The University of Notre...
Carroll Hall - The University of...
Cartier Field - The University of...
Cavanaugh Hall - The University of...
Corby Hall - The University of Notre...
Crowley Hall of Music - The...
Cushing Hall of Engineering - The...
Dillon Hall - The University of Notre...
Engravings and Drawings of Campus -...
Farley Hall - The University of Notre...
Fieldhouse - The University of Notre...
Fisher Hall - The University of Notre...
Flanner Hall - The University of...
General Campus Views - The University...
Grotto - The University of Notre Dame...
Haggar Hall - The University of Notre...
Hammes Bookstore on South Quad - The...
Holy Cross Hall - The University of...
Howard Hall - The University of Notre...
Hurley Hall - The University of Notre...
Keenan and Stanford Halls - The...
Knights of Columbus Building - The...
LaFortune Hall - The University of...
Lakes - The University of Notre Dame...
Law School Building - The University...
Lewis Hall - The University of Notre...
Log Chapel - The University of Notre...
Lyons Hall - The University of Notre...
Main Building - The University of...
Moreau Seminary - The University of...
Morris Inn - The University of Notre...
Morrissey Hall - The University of...
Navy Drill Hall - The University of...
Nieuwland Science Hall - The...
Notre Dame Stadium - The University...
Old College - The University of Notre...
O'Shaughnessy Hall - The University...
Power Plant - The University of Notre...
Riley Hall of Art and Design - The...
Rockne Memorial - The University of...
Sorin Hall - The University of Notre...
Statues & Monuments - The University...
St. Edward's Hall - The University of...
Stepan Center - The University of...
St. Liam Hall - The University of...
Thomas Coleman Fire Station - The...
Walsh Hall - The University of Notre...
Washington Hall - The University of...
West Lake Hall - The University of...
WNDU Studios - The University of...
Zahm Hall - The University of Notre...