BJ 4.29.23 Day of Service Kalamazoo 8422.JPG
April 29, 2023; Kylene Adams, member of the Notre Dame Club of Kalamazoo sweeps a walkway at the Hospital Hospitality House of Southwest Michigan as part of the Notre Dame Global Day of Service in Kalamazoo, MI. Members of the Notre Dame Club of Kalamazoo pulled weeds, raked flower beds, and removed yard debris with the goal to beautify the grounds and prepare for spring planting. The Hospital Hospitality House serves patients receiving care and family members of those hospitalized in...
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April 29, 2023; Kylene Adams, member of the Notre Dame Club of Kalamazoo sweeps a walkway at the Hospital Hospitality House of Southwest Michigan as part of the Notre Dame Global Day of Service in Kalamazoo, MI. Members of the Notre Dame Club of Kalamazoo pulled weeds, raked flower beds, and removed yard debris with the goal to beautify the grounds and prepare for spring planting. The Hospital Hospitality House serves patients receiving care and family members of those hospitalized in Kalamazoo. More than 20 people worked on the project. The Notre Dame Club of Kalamazoo showed their spirit by wearing green. It was a great event where club members enjoyed the opportunity to meet old and new friends and give back to the Kalamazoo community. (Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame)
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